I Read a Story

No literally.

I actually went to a reading and read a story. That I wrote! It was at the same time the most exciting and terrifying thing I have ever done. I mean there were probably 25 people there total. And like 8 of them were from my writing class. But some of them were professional authors who were there to read their own work. Because this was legit!

The reason I’m writing this is because I wanted to let people know about opportunities like this. I mean, normally I would have heard about something like a reading, thought it was neat, and then did nothing about it. But, my professor in my Writing and Publishing Prose class got this arranged so anyone in our class could read if they wanted to. And for some reason I decided to quit being a baby and go read my work out loud. It actually went really well.

So I want to encourage everyone out there to find something like this where you live. Take some time to find out if there are writers in your area doing readings or something. You don’t have to participate at first, in fact you might not even be able to. But if you’re an aspiring writer, getting out there and finding out who the other writers in your community are is a great idea!

Also my Prof has encouraged me to submit me story to actual literary magazines. So yeah, my next goal is to work up the courage to actually do that. Wish me luck!


P.S it’s almost Christmas break so I am almost having the time to write more blog posts. Thank you for being patient with my slowness and I promise I will make more of an effort next year!